How To Install Waw Zombie Maps

But if you are playing some older custom zombie maps you have to load the map trough console. Enabling developer console and loading the map: In the main menu go to options/controls, then select Game options and from there you can enable your console.

Custom weapons can be added to custom maps AND official maps. Weapon mods go in the same directory as maps. These weapon mods don't work for the Der Reise map or Der Reise type of maps because that already has an official weapons mod, Pack-A-Punch. Modern Weapons Mod 1.0: Weapons from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Aug 05, 2013  I finally show you guys how to install custom zombie maps. It is not that hard, in the end it is really awesome. Websites I download custom zombie maps from.

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Dec 05, 2014  HOW TO INSTALL/PLAY & RECORD CUSTOM ZOMBIE MAPS! (World at War Custom Zombies Tutorial). I get asked A LOT how to play custom zombie maps on World at War, so I decided to make a video covering. Kingjosh3451: When im moving the files from the dakota zombie file to my usb, does the '.DS_Store' and 'Zombies.cfg' need to be directly under the 'PS3' file of my usb? I have other files stored on the usb and i wasnt sure if it affected anything when transfering the files.

The majority of Call of Duty fans love The zombies mode which had been introduced in World at War, and since then, the zombies mode in Call of Duty games has become an immense success! Not only that, but eventually, casual and hardcore gamers alike aspired to make their own custom zombies maps, and then presented them publicly for everyone to download and play. However, it seems apparent that not all of the zombie game fans out there know about how to get a hold of these maps, or where they'd begin to look for downloading them. This guide will show you just how to be able to play these maps, as well as the best source for downloading them.

Requirements to Play.

  • Purchase Call of Duty World at War.
  • Have a Decent Internet Connection.
  • Join ZombieModding or CustomCoD.
  • View Released Maps.
  • Installing the Custom Map.
  • Run the Custom Zombie Map.

You must make sure to buy the PC version of the game!

Call of Duty: World at War - PC

Purchase Call of Duty World at War.

New Cod Waw Zombie Maps

The first step to being able to play these custom maps, is to have the most up-to-date version of Call of Duty World at War downloaded from Steam, and fully installed on your computer. Without the game already installed on your computer, the custom zombie map files cannot save in your 'mods' folder as it doesn't exist. The game currently is going for around £19.99 on Steam, which is fairly cheap for a game of this quality, but arguably, it is quite expensive for a game of this age.

Therefore, if you feel that this price is a little too steep for such an old game, then you should consider buying it from Amazon, or other respectable sources. Remember that you MUST buy the PC version of this game, as this cannot work on Xbox 360 or PS3 versions.

Have a Decent Internet Connection.

Whilst this is not compulsory, having a high speed internet connection can save you a lot of time with the downloading process, and can also improve the flow of the gameplay, if you decide to play it on a co-op server. I personally recommend going for one of the fibre optic deals available at the moment, especially from companies such as Virgin Media or BT.

Join or

Now this is where the fun begins. The first step to downloading one of the custom zombies maps, is to join either or, as these are the major websites in providing the maps. My personal preference between the two would be ZombieModding, as it is the most user friendly of the sites, and has some great forum posts and guide for you to follow. (For such issues as downloading and saving maps.) Although, CustomCOD does provide some maps that ZombieModding doesn't, which can always be reasonable justification for going with CustomCOd instead.

In terms of registering for these sites, the forms are pretty standard for most websites. You must first accept an agreement with the website, and then provide your details based on what they require. Do not worry about this, as ZombieModding is a well trusted sites with thousands of members, and will never disclose your information with anyone else.

Visit the Released Maps Page.

Once you have created your own account on either of the two websites, you can then visit the released maps page and search through the available downloads.

To get to this page simply:

  1. Go onto the Downloads tab.
  2. Then click on the Sub Category named 'Maps' under the Nazi Zombies Tab.
  3. Next, visit the released maps link, and view all of the maps available.
  4. Finally, choose the one you want based on each map's footage and details.

You can click on each of the options to see footage of the map on YouTube, and find the link required to download the map. You'll then be re-directed to 'gamefront' where you can download the file, from typically a server in either France or the U.S.

Install the Downloaded Map.


How To Install Waw Custom Maps

It's standard for the maps on ZombieModding, to have their own automatic installer, which will place and extract all of the files in the right folder. This means that you do not have to locate all the files by yourself, and then extract them by yourself too. In fact, if you are short of time or do not want to go looking for files, then I'd highly recommend that you consider only using ZombieModding, but otherwise CustomCOD is a perfectly viable option.

Obviosuly, depending on the map that you've chosen to install, will affect just how much time it will take for the installer to completely finish extracting the files. But this process doesn't usually take too long, and is very easy to complete.

Run the Custom Zombie Map in World at War.

Finally, you've downloaded the custom map and installed it onto your computer. There is just one more step now, and that is to run it in Call of Duty: World at War. To do this, start up the game via. Steam, and then proceed to the main menu, after the short video clip. Once at the main menu of Call of Duty: World at War, you should open up the 'mods' section, and launch the map that you've downloaded. The game will usually close at this point and then re-open.

Depending on the map, you may either just have to click an option which says 'solo' or you may have to type in a command into the console. If so, press the ` key on your keyboard, whilst still in the main menu, and then in the box that opens,type in the following...

'map (name of map)'

So in the case of the map which I've downloaded, this would be 'map nazi_zombie_triangle'. To commence the map, simply press the 'enter' key on your keyboard, then begin.

How To Install Waw Maps

All credit for this video belongs to yoteslaya, and I in no way take any credit for this video through this usage. Please feel free to visit yoteslaya's channel via. YouTube.

How To Install Waw Custom Zombie Maps

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